Well, it has been more than a year since my last post and I have been busy. Some really good things like getting into shows, winning awards and meeting new friends and artists. I have had a great time watching my two boys now 9 and 11 grow into young men. I have also started part time teaching at another local University so now I am teaching at two places and I love it! Our home studio is going through growing pains. We are finally getting things out of construction mode and back into art studio mode, it is amazing what that can do to your studio.... It has been a mess. It is finally set up so I can have students come out to the Ranch to take private or small group lessons and I am excited about that the most. It is also set up so I can optimize my own work space. There is still a long way to go but I am planning on having it all done in another month. I am currently working on about five commissions that I am finishing up and am so happy to have had the room to work on them. Please know that although our schedules are busy we can make time for students and people who are still coming out here to help clean up the place or work on my mom's apartment that we are still building.
Thank you to all of you who have helped make this possible!!! My husband has been a miracle this entire past year and has really changed my life and even the way I see him! I adore him!!!! Feel free to call or message or email me for any further information.
Dori Oiler
545 Key Lane
Abilene, TX 79602
(really in Potosi)
find me on facebook!