Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year ~ 2010
Welcome to the year 2010. As I reflect on the last year and make decisions for the next one I realize although I stayed put more and focused more on helping my family, I missed my extended family way to much. So this next year I plan on figuring out a way to remedy that. My sister I miss the most and see the least so that will change. I will be more focused on the needs of my family as an entire unit, our new property and the changes we are making together. I will be a better teacher and mentor my students with more purpose.. I will reconnect with friends that I have been to lazy to keep close to me, they are missed dearly! I will make more art, always wanting to make more art. I will focus more on my youngest child and help him find his place in the family, his new school and in life. He is often confused by his role and what it means for his future. I will be a better wife and mother. I will continue to advocate for my children. I will focus on taking better care of myself. Reconnecting with old friends has made me realize more and more the importance of my role as a wife, mother, teacher and friend and I hope to live up to a new standard. All the best to you and yours as the new year is here! Stay in touch and Happy New Year!
McMurry Graduation Fall 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas in Abilene 2009
Pictures from the Art Show, Nov. 2009
The boys have been in art shows and even won awards before but in this exhibition they felt like they were the main artists. It was so nice to see how much pride they had in their work! They are wanting to work on their next show and have so many ideas. I can't wait for the opportunity to exhibit with the kids again!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Firing the gas kiln today...
What a day! Everything was meant set up to be a very productive day. Cars in the shop, time for shopping, making bowls for the empty bowls project, cleaning the studio, glazing pots, and of course firing the big gas kiln. O.K. so maybe I was reaching a bit... Well it is 6pm and I am still here firing the kiln, I have been here since 8am... Had trouble with the burners, so things were delayed a bit, then in the middle of firing one of them quit on me, of course I had taken my one and only break of the day and went to lunch during the first reduction. Pushed everything back a couple of hours. Kids were here with me for a while and I was constantly distracted by little things so nothing else happened except a little cleaning and a much larger mechanics bill than we planned on. All in all still not a bad day. I also must concede that their might be something wrong with the kiln, the bottom just will not get hot enough no matter what I adjust, so it may be time for a makeover for the old girl... it is looking to be a very busy spring semester. I just hope my work study are up for it! They will learn a ton of technical information but it will be a bit of work. I still have a very messy house to go home to and a couple of rowdy boys to get to bed so wish me luck and hope for a more productive tomorrow.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
University Semester is Over
Well, Five more have graduated and the semester is over here at McMurry University. My boys still have a week of school and I am hoping to get some work done in the studio if I ever get my house cleaned. I will be working on bowls for the Empty Bowls Project and some new sculptures. I also want to start at least one or of the major pieces for the Autism Show. So much to do. We are also constructing the extra room in the shop over break and cleaning up the bathroom and making a mini kitchen. Hopefully we will be able to get it all done. Mom will be here soon and we want a decent place for her to stay and get away from us in the house. With the new construction in the studio/shop art production has slowed down, but in the long run we will have a lot more storage for our seasonal things and camping gear so it will all be worth it. SOoo, I will be working at the University over break, If you want to get together for lunch, I am available. Prepping for the holiday season is a lot of work, but the boys are looking forward to it. More updates to come!
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